User Flow
1 - Home Screen + Profile - This home base holds all user reviews, comments and personal details. Pressing the "New Review" button at the top of the screen will start the reviewing process.
2 - Crafting a New Review - With an overlay pop-up, the user can search for the movie they just saw or pull it from a list of movies curated within the app’s Trending Page. Movies are graded on a number scale.
3 - Post a Review - Once a review is posted, a notification appears on the Review Feed Page.
4 - Once posted, the user can view the aggregated posts of the general public (including their friends’ reviews) on the Review Feed Page.
5 - The aggregated score lives as a button on the movie's profile. Here, one can see how their score compares to the aggregate score as well as interact with the community.
6 - The Notifications Page allows users to stay in the know and comment on friend reviews.
7 - The Trending Page displays the movies with the highest interaction - scores are hidden without an independent review submission. A user can cultivate a wishlist on My List by scrolling through.
8 - Movie posters act as buttons that pull up a movie summary including director, cast, and release date.
9 - A movie poster page can guide users to post a review or add to My List for future viewing.
Design Process & Data
Wire Framing
Rejected Color Palettes