
Re Vu: A Movie Rating App

Movie lovers have lots of opinions and theories, but spoilers and reviews often kill the desire to go see a film. Re Vu cuts out the scores and noise by allowing movie-goers the opportunity to rate and record their views independently. But what does everyone else think? Only after reviews are submitted do they become visible and available for the Re Vu community.

User Flow


 1 - Home Screen + Profile - This home base holds all user reviews, comments and personal details. Pressing the "New Review" button at the top of the screen will start the reviewing process. 

2 - Crafting a New Review - With an overlay pop-up, the user can search for the movie they just saw or pull it from a list of movies curated within the app’s Trending Page. Movies are graded on a number scale.

3 - Post a Review - Once a review is posted, a notification appears on the Review Feed Page.


4 - Once posted, the user can view the aggregated posts of the general public (including their friends’ reviews) on the Review Feed Page.

5 - The aggregated score lives as a button on the movie's profile. Here, one can see how their score compares to the aggregate score as well as interact with the community.

6 - The Notifications Page allows users to stay in the know and comment on friend reviews.


7 - The Trending Page displays the movies with the highest interaction - scores are hidden without an independent review submission. A user can cultivate a wishlist on My List by scrolling through.

8 -  Movie posters act as buttons that pull up a movie summary including director, cast, and release date.

9 - A movie poster page can guide users to post a review or add to My List for future viewing.


Design Process & Data


Wire Framing


Rejected Color Palettes
